viernes, 26 de diciembre de 2014

Varietie of Lute Lessons - Lutz Kirchhof

Varietie of Lute Lessons
  Lutz Kirchhof

Laurencini da Roma
 01.  Fantasie 4  
Moritz Landgraf von Hessen
02.  Pavane 1

John Dowland
03. The Right Honourable Ferdinando, his Galliard

04. The Witches daunce in the Queenes Maske 
05. Coranto 3 
06. Volt 6
 John Dowland
07. Fantasie 7
 Daniell Batchelar
 08. Pavane 4
 John Dowland
 09. The Right Honourable Robert Earle Of Essex, his Galliard 

10. Sir Henry Guilforde, his Almaine
11. Coranto 7

12. Volt 2
John Dowland

 13. Sir John Langton, his Pavin 
Robert Dowland
 14. The Right Honourable, the Lady Cliftons Spirit, Galliard /

15. 2 Queenes Maskes: The first of the Queenes Maskes /
16. The last of the Queenes Maskes

Pierre Ballard
 17. Mounsier Ballard, his Coranto 
Saman ?
 18. Mounsier Saman, his Coranto /
Gregory Huwet

 19. Fantasie 5 /
Anthonie Holborne

20. Pavane 2 /
John Dowland

21. The most high and mightie Christianus, his Galliard
22.  Sir John Smith, his Almaine
23. 2 Volten - No. 3 
24. 2 Volten - No. 1

Intérprete:  Lutz Kirchhof

Duración: 55' 35''

Lugar y fecha de grabación: Stuttgart, Alemania [Diciembre, 1981]

viernes, 19 de diciembre de 2014

Tudor Organ Music. - Carl Smith

Tudor Organ Music. Tallis, Redford, Tomkins, Blitheman
Carl Smith

John Redford
01 Exsultet caelum laudibus
02 Sermone blando angelus
John Blitheman

03 Eterne rerum Conditor
04 Christe qui lux
John Redford 

05 Angulare fundamentum
06 Te lucis ante terminum
John Blitheman 

07 Gloria tibi Trinitas I
08 Gloria tibi Trinitas II
09 Gloria tibi Trinitas III
10 Gloria tibi Trinitas IV
11 Gloria tibi Trinitas V
12 Gloria tibi Trinitas VI

13 La Mi Re
Thomas Tallis

14 Clarifica me Pater (I)
15 Gloria tibi Trinitas
16 Clarifica me Pater (II)
17 Iste confessor
18 Clarifica me Pater (III)
Thomas Tomkin

19 Miserere
20 Clarifica me Pater
21 In nomine

22 Felix namque
23 A solis ortus I
24 A solis ortus II
25 A solis ortus III
26 A solis ortus IV
John Redford

27 Primo dierum omnium
28 Lucem tuam I
29 Lucem tuam II
30 Lucem tuam III

Intérprete: Carl Smith,  órgano

Duración: 62 : 52

Lugares y fechas de grabación: [1-21] The Sudekum Chapel Luteran Church, Tennesse, USA [febrero 2006] 
[22-30] Ackerman Auditorium Southern Adventist University, Collegedale, Tennesse, USA [marzo 2006]

viernes, 12 de diciembre de 2014

Christmas Carols from the Jistebnice Hymnal (Lp) - Musica Bohemica

Christmas Carols from the Jistebnice Hymnal (Lp)
Musica Bohemica. Jaroslav Krček dir.

A · a. In hoc anni circulo - b. Ježíš náš spasitel  (Jesus Our Saviour)
Dietky mladé i staré  (Children Young and Old)
a. Z ustanovenie zákona  (By the Word of the Testament) - b. Nascitur de virgine
Prišel nám den veselý  (A Merry Day Has Arrived for Us)
Danielis prophecia
Stala se jest vec divná  (A Strange Affair Has Occurred)
V receném meste Betléme  (The City Which is Called Bethlehem)

B · Jedniem hlasem tiemto casem  (A Single Voice at This Time)
Prišli jsme na cest zpievajíc  (We Come Singing in Praise)
a. Puer natus in Bethleem - b. Nunc angelorum Gloria
Pueri nativitatem
Narozenie pána  (The Lord Is Born)
Puer nobis nascitur
Za ciesare Augusta  (In the Reign of Caesar Augustus)

Intérpretes: Musica Bohemica:    Jaroslav Tománek, voval; Lubomír Vraspír, vocal; Vratislav Vinický, vocal; Jaroslav Krček, vocal; Lubomír Vraspír, vocal ; Jaroslav Krištůfek, violín; Gabriela Krčková, oboe; Jaroslav Krček, dir.

Duración: 38: 45

Lugar y fecha de grabación: Radio Prag, Rep. Checa  [enero 1979]

viernes, 5 de diciembre de 2014

A la Via ! Street music from 12th to the 13th century – Strada & Ensemble Anonymus

A la Via ! Street music from 12th to the 13th century
Strada - Pierre Langevin, dir
Ensemble Anonymus - Claude Bernatchez, dir.

    Thoinot Arbeau:
  1. Bransle des chevaux
  2. Anon., Italy, 14th c.:
  3. Saltarello
  4. Pierre D'Attaignant:
  5. Skarazula Marazula
  6. Anon., Carols, 15th c.:
  7. Lo paure satan Anon., trad., Occitania:
    Er dei tripetas
  8. Thoinot Arbeau:
  9. Bransle de Poitou et de Bourgogne
  10. Anon., trad., Tunisia:
  11. Ouadouni
    Ourdouni souz shaya
  12. Anon., trad., Occitania:
  13. Aï vist lo lop, lo rainard, la lebre
  14. Anon., Italy, 14th c.:
  15. Chanconetta tedesca
  16. Anon., trad., Occitania:
  17. Dance: Farandoulo
  18. Anon., trad., 15th c., Occitania:
  19. Air from the Carnival of Tarascon: Rampaleda e corsa de la tarasca
  20. Walther von der Vogelweide:
  21. Nu al'erst Paleastinalied
  22. Moniot d'Arras:
  23. Ce fut en mai
  24. Alfonso el Sabio (attr.): Cantigas de Santa Maria
  25. Cantiga 159: Non Sofre Santa Maria
  26. Anon., 13th c.:
  27. Septime Estampie Réale
  28. Anon., England, 13th c.:
  29. Ductiae
  30. Anon., Germany, 15th c.:
  31. Es fur ein pawr
  32. Giorgio Maneiro:
  33. Ungaresca
  34. Anon., Spain, 16th c.:
  35. Propinan de Melyor
  36. Toinot Arbeau:
  37. Basse Danse "Jouyssance vous donneray"

Intérpretes: [1]-[10] Strada: Pierre Langevin (bagpipes, recorders, voice), Pierre Tanguay (drum, darbouka, tambourine, small bells, voice), Élise Guay (recorders, shawms, Poitou oboe), Marc Villeneuve (irish bouzouki, tambura), André Simoneau (hurdy-gurdy)
Pierre Langevin, dir.
[11]-[19] Ensemble Anonymus: Sylvain Bergeron (lute, mandora, orpharion), Claude Bernatchez (darbouka, drum, dulcimer, mandoline), Silvy Grenier (hurdy-gurdy, crumhorn, recorders), Pierre Langevin (recorders, crumhorns, shawm), Marie-Louise Donald (recorders), Claire Gignac (recorders, crumhorns), Jean Létourneau (shawm)
Claude Bernatchez, dir.

Duración:  50' 24"

Lugares y fechas de grabación: [1]-[3] Studio Tram, Québec, Québec, Canada [1995]
[4]-[10] Studio Tram, Québec, Québec, Canada [1992] [11]-[12], [15]-[18] Église de Beaumont, Québec, Québec, Canada [04/1982] [13]-[14], [19] desconocido [1984]