The Broadside Band. Director : Jeremy Barlow
1. Full Fathom Five Thy Father Lies - The Tempest
2. Where The Bee Sucks, There Suck - The Tempest
3. O Mistress Mine Where Are You Roaming - Twelfth Night
4. The Poor Soul Sat Sighing (The Willow Song) - Othello
5. It Was A Lover, And His Lass - As You Like It
6. Sellengers Round - A Midsummer Night's Dream
7. Scottish Jice 'Scotch Jig' - Much Ado About Nothing
8. Hoboken Brawl 'Brawl' - Love's Labour Lost
9. Staines Morris 2 - Henry IV, All's Well That Ends Well
10. How Should I Your True Love Know - Hamlet
11. Tomorrow Is St. Valentine's Day - Hamlet
12. And Will He Not Come Again - Hamlet
13. In Youth When I Did Love Hamlet - Hamlet
14. The Woosell Cock, So Black Of Hue - A Midsummer Night's Dream
15. O Sweet Oliver - As You Like It
16. When Daffodils Begin To Peer - The Winter's Tale
17. Jog On, Jog On, The Footpath Way - The Winter's Tale
18. When That I Was And A Little Tine - Twelfth Night
19. Kemp's Jig - Twelfth Night
20. Passamezzo Pavan - Twelfth Night
21. Bergamasca - A Midsummer Night's Dream
22. QM [Queen Mary's] Dumpe - The Taming Of The Shrew, The Two Gentlemen Of Verona, Romeo And Juliet, The Rape Of Lucrece
23. As You Came From That Holy Land - Hamlet
24. I Loathe That I Did Love - Hamlet
25. Bonny Sweet Robin - Hamlet
26. Come Live With Me - The Merry Wives Of Windsor
27. There Dwelt A Man In Babylon - Twelfth Night
28. Farewell Dear Love - Twelfth Night
29. Fortune My Foe - The Merry Wives Of Windsor
30. The Earl Of Essex Measure - Love's Labour Lost, Romeo And Juliet, Richard II, Much Ado About Nothing, As You Like It, Henry VIII
31. La volta - Troilus And Cressida
32. The Sinkapace Galliard - Twelfth Night, Much Ado About Nothing, Henry V
33. Coranto - Henry V., Much Ado About Nothing
34. Take, O Take Those Lips Away - Measure For Measure
35. Sigh No More Ladies - Much Ado About Nothing
36. Hark, Hark, The Lark - Cymbeline
37. Lawn As White As Driven Snow - The Winter's Tale
38. Get Ye Hence - The Winter's Tale
39. When That I Was And A Little Tiny Boy - Twelfth Night
Intérpretes:Jeremy Barlow (flute,virginals, recorders, pipe and tabor ), Alastair McLachlan (renaissance violin), Rosemary Thorndycraft ( bass viols), George Weigand (lute, mandore, cittern), Deborah Roberts (soprano). John Potter (tenor). Director: Jeremy Barlow
Duración:69' 46''
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3 comentarios:
Hi Mastranto,
happy to hear you again!
The CD sounds very interesting (I love Elizabethan Music), but I didn't find any links. Cheers, DMB
@Master Blaster: De momento la mayoria de los post antiguos no tienen enlace. Si estás interesado en este Cd escribe a
For now most the old post no link. If you are interested in this CD writes
Saludos cordiales
78-The Broadside Band - Songs & Dances from Shakespeare.rar
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