jueves, 13 de marzo de 2014

The Cradle of the Renaissance - Sirinu

The Cradle of the Renaissance
Italian music from the time of Leonardo da Vinci

  1. Traditional: Uccellino, bel uccellino (soprano, hurdy-gurdy, bagpipes, percussion)
  2. Traditional: Piva (soprano, hurdy-gurdy, bagpipes, percussion)
  3. Marchetto Cara: Non e tempo d'aspectare (soprano, lute, harp)
  4. Agricola: Cecus non judicat de coloribus (recorder, harp, lute)
  5. Cornago: Yerra con poco saber (soprano, organ)
  6. Traditional: Scaramella / Io ne tengo (soprano, recorder, bagpipes, hurdy-gurdy, percussion)
  7. Cara: O mia cieca e dura sorte (soprano, 3 viols)
  8. Agricola: Helas madame que feraige (lute, harp)
  9. Anon: Nam edunt de micis (3 recorders)
  10. Anon: Ben venga maggio (soprano, harp, gittern)
  11. Anon: Io vegio la mia vita ia finire (pipe, tabor, 3 voices, percussion)
  12. Francesco Bossinensis / Bartolomeo Tromboncino: Ricercare XV / Scopri, lingua (soprano, lute)
  13. Anon: De dos la mer (recorder, harp, lute)
  14. Serafino de' Ciminelli Dall'Aquila: Gridan vostri ochi (soprano, lute)
  15. Anon: Per la mya cara (2 shawms, sackbut, drum)
  16. Leonardo Giustiniani: Aime sospiri (soprano, harp)
  17. Isaac: La martinella (organ)
  18. Anon: J'ay pris amours (soprano, recorder, harp, lute)
  19. Traditional: Canzon de' pifari dico el Ferrarese (shawm, sackbut, drum)
  20. Anon: Regina delcor mio (4 voices)
  21. Poliziano: Dunque piangiamo (voice, lira da braccio)
  22. Poliziano / Traditional: Udite selve (soprano, bagpipes)
  23. Poliziano / Traditional: Villana (2 voices, hurdy-gurdy, shawm, percussion)
Intérpretes: Sirinu: Sara Stowe (soprano, organ, recorder, percussion), Matthew Spring (lute, voice, hurdy-gurdy, shawm, lira da braccio, viol, gittern), Jon Banks (harp, sackbut, organ, viol, recorder, percussion, voice), Henry Stobart (recorder, bagpipes, voice, viol, shawm, pipe, tabor)

Duración:  67' 50"'

Lugar  y fecha de grabación: The Warehouse, Waterloo, London, United Kingdom [febrero 1995]


10 comentarios:

mastranto dijo...
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Anónimo dijo...

How can I download an archive that is not a windows self-extracting-archive as I've got a Macintosh computer?

I wish you would go back to Adrive.com or www.mega.co.nz/.


Silvio dijo...

please, use mega, thanks

Unknown dijo...

I agree, 4shared is a pain in the bum, I can never download from this site. Mega is much better

Unknown dijo...

I love your blog, but 4shared is a pain in the arse, Mega is so much better.

mastranto dijo...

Mi Mega está lleno.

¿Estais dispuestos a pagarme una cuenta premium?

Anónimo dijo...

To those of you having trouble with 4shared. I also was having problems but two fellow blog followers gave me advice on 4shared. If you look at the comments for the Feb. 21st posting (Ensemble Discantus & Alla Francesca) made by Juno Melanto and Anton Beer you will see what they advised me to do. I did and have had no trouble with 4shared since. I use Microsoft. I don't know if this would also apply to Mac.

mastranto dijo...

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FZ dijo...

Hola, pueden por favor resubir eso? Muchas gracias de antemano

mastranto dijo...

@FZ: ¿Has leído el comentario anterior al tuyo? Pues, eso.