Zefiro Torna, Timo Väänänen & Antwerp Cathedral Choir
De Nativitate:
01 Angelus emittitur
02 Salve flos et decor
03 Verbum caro factum est
04 Congaudeat turba fidelium
05 Parvulus nobis nascitur
06 Personent hodie
07 Nobis est natus hodie
08 Nativitate: Paranymphus adiens
De Passione:
09 Iucundare iugiter
10 Aetas carmen melodiae (2vv)
11 Aetas carmen melodiae (4vv)
De Fragilitate Et Miseriis:
12 Kurja, paha syntinen
13 Mars praecurrit in planetis
14 Cum sit omnis caro foenum
De Vita Scholastica:
15 Scholares convenite
16 Zachaeus arboris
17 Scholares discite
18 Sum in aliena provincia
De Tempore Vernali:
19 Ad perennis vitae fontem
20 In vernali tempore
21 Tempus adest floridum
22 Kaikki maailma riemuitkohon
Intérpretes: Zefiro Torna:,Timo Väänänen & Antwerp Cathedral Choir
Lugar y fecha de grabación: Akademiezaal Sint-Truiden, Belgica [junio 2007]
3 comentarios:
Muchas gracias Mastranto.
Grazie mastranto
..... Up to now, the ensemble released several CD’s through the labels Eufoda, Et’Cetera and Homerecords. In 2005 their CD entitled “El Noi de la Mare” won the Klara Muziekprijs for the best Flemish production of classical music. 2007 for Zefiro Torna was the year when their CD “De Fragilitate” was awarded the prestigious Diapason d’Or. In Fall 2008 their CD “Greghesche, a musical treasure of the Venetian renaissance” was released on the Klara label. And in Spring 2009 there was the release of “Assim”, a coproduction with LOD for which Dick van der Harst wrote a composition based on the works of Jacob Obrecht and the Javanese gamelan tradition. In autumn 2010 a new CD entitled “O, Monde aveugle!” was released. This cross over project deals with the thematics of the year 2012 and the Apocalypse
Per amanti italiani della musica antica
Zefiro Torna De Fragilitate animi
introduzione al concerto
a cura di Stefano Trevisi ore 20.30 sabato 14 aprile
ore 21 chiesa di San Teonisto Treviso
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