viernes, 3 de mayo de 2019

Canciones y danzas. Música de laúd de los siglos XVI-XVII (lp) - Vladimir F. Vavilov

Canciones y danzas. Música de laúd de los siglos XVI-XVII (lp) 
 Vladimir F. Vavilov   *

01   Canzona And Dance
02   Spandogletta
03   Ave Maria
04   Ricercare
05   Padoana And Galliard
06   Chaconne
07   Green Sleeves' And Galliard
08   Tourdion
09   Pasturella
10   Gavotte

Intérprete: Vladimir F. Vavilov 


Lugar y fecha de grabación:  ? 1961

*Recomiendo leer el articulo El engaño musical publicado en

11 comentarios:

mastranto dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
Ананасий Непитин dijo...

dear Mastranto,
thanks a lot for promoting this epic hoax of the late guitarist, lute-player and composer Vladimir Vavilov.
his LP "Лютневая музыка XVI-XVII веков" (Lute music of the 16-17 centuries) war released under the label catalogue number CM 02059-60.
"CM" prefix means "stereo compatible" or "stereo-mono", and was later changed to the simply "C" meaning stereo.
number 2059-60 (each LP side and separate matrix had its unique number in Melodiya catalogues) could be attributed to a array of LPs released in 1970 according to the most reliable periodization table accompanying the book "Наш друг грампластинка" (Our friend LP) by Anatoly Zhelezny.

this LP consisting chefly of Vavilov's own works intentionally misattributed to the well-known or less-konwn or at all unknown composers of the Renaissance and the pre-Baroque time.

the information about 'authors' and pieces performed on LP:

01. Francesco da Milano - Canzona and Dance / Канцона и Танец
02. Folk Music of the 16th Century - Spandogletta / Спандольетта
03. Giulio Caccini [or Anonymous in first pressings] - Ave Maria
04. Niccolo Nigrino - Ricercare / Ричеркар
05. Vincenzo Galilei - Padoana and Galliard / Павана и Гальярда
06. Hans Neusiedler - Chaconne / Чакона
07. From English Folk Lute Music of the 16th Century - 'Green Sleeves' and Galliard / Песня "Зелёные рукава" и Гальярда
08. Old French Folk Dance - Tourdion / Турдьон
09. Jean Antoine de Baïf - Pasturella / Пастурелла
10. Denis Gaultier - Gavotte / Гавот

AFAIK Jean Antoine de Baïf was a well-known French poet of the Pléïade, but i don't know anything about his musical activity.

the performers are:
Vladimir Vavilov (1925-1973, lute)
Vitaly Buyanovsky (french horn, 2)
Nadezhda Weiner (mezzo-soprano, 3)
Mark Shaheen (organ, 3 & 4; harpsichord, 9)
Vladimir Kurlin (oboe, 7)
Lev Perepyolkin (flute, 8 & 10)

Ананасий Непитин dijo...

Vavilov was not "certified" composer who had completed a conservatory composer's course in accordance with the established procedure. he took private composition lessons from Admoni, but this fact was known just to a few, and in Soviet times this couldn't give him the possibility of promoting his own works in print, in concerts and in sound recordings. the hoax seemed to be the only resort.
Vavilov was known for his activity in promoting the early music therefore, the "ancient" works chosen for recording should not raise suspicions in their authenticity. the foreign experts of Francesco da Milano were the first to sound the alarm. the oeuvre of the great lutenist is well studied. his tablature researched far and wide and published in numerous critical editions. Vavilov's sharp harmonies, used repeatedly, were impossible in European music until the 18th century.

Vavilov's setting of 'Ave Maria' (misattributed to Caccini) has gained its immense popularity in a lot of crossover anthologies thanks to the extremely emotional rendition of Latvian singer Inessa Galante, recorded in London. his "da-Milanesque" and "Galileian" canzoni
his "da Milanesque" and "Galileian" canzoni have both attracted the attention of the St. Petersburg poet Henri Volokhonsky, who in 1972 has written the lyrics for them, and in collaboration with the musician, poet and composer Alexei Khvostenko, these pieces in their new incarnation instantly gained immense popularity under the names "City of Gold" (otherwise - "Paradise" | "Город Золотой" / "Рай") and "The horse took away my beloved" ("Конь унес любимого").
unfortunately, the composer died in poverty from pancreatic cancer for a couple of months before the fame fallen on him.

the information on tracklist and performers is taken from
and put it here with the necessary slight corrections in names.

you can find there the LP rip done in Hi-Resolution (24-bit/192 kHz) packaged in an unusual container format ISO.WV popular among the rippers of the closed invite-admittance only Russian web-forum Netlab.
sorry for the verbose 2-part comment.

itadiegues dijo...

Muchas gracias Mastranto.

mastranto dijo...

@Ананасий Непитин: Muchas gracias por tu documentado y extenso comentario

classic dijo...

Thank you very much :)

Edgard dijo...

Muchas gracias por la nota y todo lo demás. Tanto tu esfuerzo y la calidad de tu publicación!!!!

Anónimo dijo...

Pretioso Mastranto,
tibi gratias ago pro vestra bona, et cor

Adriana dijo...

muchas gracias mastranto!

himmelrote dijo...!IxJGnKbb!un4CRUFBanu0Dn1_-PobKIt1DmbvWAQtBMkP4a2HVpU
This is a CD version of 1970 Vavilov recording together with 1990 recording
of Francesco da Milano by Alexander Danilevsky.

mastranto dijo...

Gracias, himmelrote.
Dicho disco fue publicado en mi blogs Sonidos del laúd
y suprimido ex profeso por la petición hecha por Emilia Danilevsky, administradora de los intereses de Daniel Danilevsky.